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Costs & Options

Unlike local authority cemeteries, no extra charge is made for non-Angus residents and there is no perpetuity charge payable. If you would like to discuss our costs and options or to pre-purchase your plot in advance, please do get in touch. We are a small site with a set number of burial plots available. We are happy to answer any questions you have.

Plot Prices

Full Burial Plot

Can accommodate one coffin and/or four sets of ashes.


Ashes Plot

One set of ashes.

  •  Once the plot has been purchased only the grave preparation charge is payable.
  • Adjacent plots can be reserved in advance.

Grave Preparation Prices

Coffin Interment


Ashes Interment


Weekend Funeral Supplement

Saturday £150
Sunday £250

Tree of Remembrance

Includes planting and maintenance for 3 years


Memorial Stone

Engraved with name and date


Recycled Oak Memorial Bench

Including engraved plaque


Please note the above prices do not include funeral director fees if required.
Payment: preferred method of payment is internet banking. Account details will be sent on request. Cheques or cash are acceptable. Cheques should be made payable to CairnBrae Natural Burial Ground Ltd.