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Wildlife & Sustainability

Our aim at CairnBrae Natural Burial Ground is to create a wood through the planting of native trees, thereby adding to the country’s woodland. Some natural woodland burial sites choose to bury between mature trees and whilst this may look immediately appealing this could destroy existing delicate surface roots, affecting the long term health of the trees. The native trees we plant provide an ideal habitat for a variety of wildlife, helping to sustain the surrounding environment.

We are working hard to ensure that the burial ground develops into a nature rich woodland with as many disease-free plant species as possible, so we are unable to allow families to lay flowers or bring in any bulbs or seeds to the site.

The burial ground is not a manicured cemetery and is intended to remain a natural habitat for wildlife to thrive in so we require families to refrain from cutting grass or other plants on their loved one’s grave. There is no need to do this as it will be mown by us in the spring and autumn to allow it to seed, thus encouraging a greater diversity of flora and fauna to thrive and to ensure we remain carbon positive.

Please get in touch if you have any further questions.

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